Frequently asked Questions

Sugar Catalog is an Independent platform with no affiliation to traders or millers. It aims to provide a neutral and trustworthy platform for trade activities.

Is Sugar Catalog responsible if any trade disputes arises?

We as digital platform provider, take no responsibility for any kind of losses which might be financial loses, payment defaults,dishonoring contracts etc. Our platform can be used as a third party witness in case of any disputes.

As of now we do not provide a payment gateway or charge any commission. Fund transfer is made directly from buyer to seller in their respective accounts with no mediator.

This platform mainly aims at providing simple and user friendly interface to place a sale offer/ buy offer & to book the sale/buy offer. We have specifically tailored this platform understanding Industry needs.

We do not disclose the details of purchases or sales of any specific trader/miller to rest of users other than respective parties in the deal.